Ranked #1 Office Cleaners in Brisbane

The #1 Office Cleaning Service In Brisbane

Say goodbye to grease and grime with our thorough office cleaning service.

  • Trusted Cleaning Service
  • 200% Guarantee
  • 5-Star Rated Service
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Trusted by 1000+ families in Brisbane

What Our Customers Say

"The best cleaning company EVER. The entire team is fantastic. Excellent Service. Utmost professionalism. Seamless business systems. You won't find a better team. They deserve every success. Can't speak highly enough about them."
"Bond Cleaning Brisbane are fantastic. Their communication and service is impeccable. They have really assisted me in my role as a strata manager, with their transparent reporting and efficient organisation of council cleanups. Thank you so much!"
"The team at Bond Cleaning Brisbane are excellent. The quality of their work, communication, and their sense of urgency never disappoints. We have used several cleaners for our commercial and residential tenancies but Timeless are by far the best and we wouldn't use anyone else. Elizabeth - Austcorp Realty"
"As always Bond Cleaning Brisbane are fabulous. This was a challenging job in an old property and they brought the garden and grounds back to life. Worked hard, efficiently and always friendly motivated staff. Thank you Bond Cleaning Brisbane another job well done."
"I have been using Bond Cleaning Brisbane to carry out strata common property clean on a weekly basis. They are very reliable and do an excellent job. They also carry out exit cleans and building clean when we do renovations. Excellent prompt service at a reasonable price. Excellent feedback Highly recommend."
"Great buisness to deal with. Supervisors have been warm, professional and courteous in every interaction. Their work is quality with an approach that is both comprehensive yet adaptable to the requirements of the job. A business well worth considering for your next cleaning job."
"Bond Cleaning Brisbane works efficiently as a team, exceeding expectations in cleaning our strata building's common areas and handling small building tasks. They also maintain our gardens with great care and without any hassle. Their flexibility and promptness in both work and response to our needs/questions are commendable."
"The best cleaning company EVER. The entire team is fantastic. Excellent Service. Utmost professionalism. Seamless business systems. You won't find a better team. They deserve every success. Can't speak highly enough about them."
"Bond Cleaning Brisbane are fantastic. Their communication and service is impeccable. They have really assisted me in my role as a strata manager, with their transparent reporting and efficient organisation of council cleanups. Thank you so much!"
"The team at Bond Cleaning Brisbane are excellent. The quality of their work, communication, and their sense of urgency never disappoints. We have used several cleaners for our commercial and residential tenancies but Timeless are by far the best and we wouldn't use anyone else. Elizabeth - Austcorp Realty"
"As always Bond Cleaning Brisbane are fabulous. This was a challenging job in an old property and they brought the garden and grounds back to life. Worked hard, efficiently and always friendly motivated staff. Thank you Bond Cleaning Brisbane another job well done."
"I have been using Bond Cleaning Brisbane to carry out strata common property clean on a weekly basis. They are very reliable and do an excellent job. They also carry out exit cleans and building clean when we do renovations. Excellent prompt service at a reasonable price. Excellent feedback Highly recommend."
"Great buisness to deal with. Supervisors have been warm, professional and courteous in every interaction. Their work is quality with an approach that is both comprehensive yet adaptable to the requirements of the job. A business well worth considering for your next cleaning job."
"Bond Cleaning Brisbane works efficiently as a team, exceeding expectations in cleaning our strata building's common areas and handling small building tasks. They also maintain our gardens with great care and without any hassle. Their flexibility and promptness in both work and response to our needs/questions are commendable."

More Than Just A Cleaning Service

200% Satisfaction Guarantee

Book with confidence knowing your satisfaction is guaranteed. If anything isn't spotless, we'll happily reclean the area in free of charge.

Simple & Easy Booking

Cleaning services are booked online with one simple process, using your phone or computer.

Expert Office Cleaners

Our staff are professionally trained so you can trust our cleaning teams to do the best job possible.

Cleaning Equipment Provided

For your convenience, our team brings their own cleaning equipment for each service.

Full Liability Insurance

Our cleaning service is covered by our $10 million public liability insurance.

Exceptional Customer Service

Trust our expert customer service team for comprehensive support from inquiry to post-service, ensuring your satisfaction at every stage.

Across Brisbane

We’ve got insured & vetted office cleaners across Brisbane, ready to help get you in getting your office sparkling clean.

No Hidden Fees

Our prices are final and fully inclusive of fuel and GST, and any other charges. What you see is what you pay.

7 days / week

We’ve got cleaning teams available at any day of the week, including public holidays.

Other Cleaning Services

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